To use the C API please use the enclosed header file nxopt.h or see the C samples in the SDK. If you need to use these interfaces please contact support. Documentation for the C API is not available. For further information see the Getting Started guide. NET Wrapper C++ header files Java Wrapper (supporting Java on Windows only) For examples of each of the above in code, we have included code samples with the SDK for each coding language, except the C API. It is based around a C API but also includes interfaces in the following code languages and formats.

What is the NXPowerLite SDK? NXPowerLite Software Development Kit is a collection of libraries, wrappers and interfaces that enables developers to integrate the NXPowerLite optimization engine into other applications. There's no need for special decompression or viewing software. Optimized files remain in their original format and retain all their functionality, so they can be opened and edited by anybody. It works by eliminating any excess baggage and converting graphics to the most appropriate file format and resolution. What is NXPowerLite technology? NXPowerLite is a file optimization technology which is used for reducing the size of image-heavy files – by as much as 99% in some cases.

Nxpowerlite 7 manual#
NXPowerLite SDK Manual | 4 Introduction & overview NXPowerLite SDK Manual | 1 Table of Contents. NXPowerLite SDK User Manual Version 7.0.X, June 2016